Friday, October 31, 2008

Super Foods: Six amazing fat burning foods

Need a little boost to your metabolism? Here are six fat burning foods that can help you lose weight and burn calories. Watch the vid...

How to get instantly younger looking eyes

Start by using Visine to remove redness. Nothing makes you look old, like blood shot, tired eyes. For instantly younger looking eyes, dab skin tone color concealer under your eye and onto eye lid. Gently blend into skin. The concealer should be skin tone or one shade lighter.But never too light.Next, apply a thin coat of sheer tinted moisturizer over your entire eye lid, including the area next to nose, and beside eyes, where dark shadows appear. Blend carefully with your pinky finger.Dust with a light powder to set.Watch this free beauty video for more tips on getting rid of bags under the ey...

How to conceal bags under the eyes

Didn't get any sleep last night? Chances are, you'll have puffy or tired looking eyes. Here are some great free beauty tips to help you conceal bags under the eyes, so you can look well rested.Click play to watch the vid...

How to look ten years younger, instantly!

Beauty expert, Charla Krupps, reveals how to look ten years younger and ten pounds thinner instantly!Watch this free beauty video for detai...

Secrets of healthy natural nails

Secrets of gorgeous natural nailsBy Beverly JohnsonNothing ruins perfectly polished beauty like broken, brittle, damaged nails.Try out these easy beauty tricks and soon you’ll be enjoying strong, beautiful natural nails you won’t mind showing off!1. Keep your hands out of your mouth. If you’re really trying to grow out your fingernails, you should avoid putting your finger tips in your mouth. Even if you’re not biting your nails, the saliva can still damage your nail and cause it to become weak.Saliva contains a digestive acid that breaks down the nail surface, making it weak and likely to chip.2. Protect your hands: Dish soap, washing detergent and even germicidal soap can dry out your nails, leaving them brittle and prone to breakage. Wear thick gloves whenever you do the dishes or...

Julia's natural face scrub

Ford Model Julia reveals her secret for glowing, youthful skin.An all natural homemade beauty recipe you can make for just pennies.Click to watch this free beauty vid...

Homemade beauty treatments

Tired of spending a fortune at the salon for beauty treatments? Watch the video below to discover how you can get the same salon quality results for hair, nails and skin with at-home treatments! Click play....

Homemade spa treatments

Want super soft, silky skin, but can't afford spa treatments? Why not make your own spa treatments at home? It's fast and affordable. You can make many of these spa treatments for just pennies. Watch the video below to find out how....

How to make your own makeup

Do you suffer from sensitive or acne prone skin?Your store bought cosmetics could be to blame.Liquid make up can clog pores leading to severe break outs.Why not make your own make up? It's easy. And, so much better for your skin.Check out the video below to find out h...

Best and worst diet foods

Find out which diet foods are making you fat!Click p...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

How to get sexy toned legs

4 Easy moves to trim and tone your legs and thighsPress p...

Foods that keep teeth white

Click play to watch the vi...

10 Best Anti-Aging, Anti-Acne Foods For Women

What are the top ten health foods for women?Click play to find o...

Six worst swimsuit foods

Trying to fit into your bikini by summer? Then be sure to cut out these six foods. They'll make you pack on the pounds.Click play to watch the vid...

Have a healthy pregnancy


Noah's Ark Parties


Treating acne

Watch this free video to find out how you can easily get rid of your severe acne.Click play.What causes acne? Click play to find out.Is it a pimple, cyst or black head? Could be important to know.Knowing what type of acne you are suffering from will help you treat it.Click play to find out.How to get rid of acne at homeTreating severe acne. What to do when over the counter creams and lotions don't wo...

Trim and tone your legs, calves and thighs

How to get gorgeous slim legsClick play to watch this free beauty video and learn the model secrets for getting slim and beautiful le...

Slim your waist

Have you ever wondered how models stay so slim? They don't just do the boring old crunches. Check out these videos and you'll discover waist slimming moves that models use to get their enviable small wais...

How to get perfect red lips

Learn the only way to have that fashionable red lip, that is just the right shade, perfectly defines your lips and lasts all day.Click the play but...

Natural beauty tips

Have a flawless look without looking you like you wore make-up at all. Using the right sequence of make-up in addition to blush and color in the right spots, you will have that natural dewy healthy look. Plus a few finishing touches for that something special.Click play to wa...

Teen beauty, free beauty tips for teens

Learn to apply just the right amount of make-up for school. Look fresh, clean, and healthy without being overdone.Click pl...

How to curl your hair

Have you ever wished for romantic curly locks? Watch these videos to learn how professionals create curls and how you can apply the same techniques for your own ha...

How to curl your eye lashes, free beauty tips

Everyone curls their eyelashes, but models have a foolproof technique to curl them perfectly and retain its hold.Click the play button to wa...

Free beauty tips: How to curl your eye lashes

Click the play button to watch this free beauty vi...

Easy ways to save up to $5000 year

More free money saving t...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Free Make Up Samples

Mylot pays! Hang out with your friends on Mylot; chat and get paid.Mylot will pay you every time you post a new discussion or answer a discussion.It's the easiest money you've ever made. What is Mylot? Find out. Click here to sign up free!PROFIT TOOLS ClassifiedsAllow your visitors to buy/sell/trade their products and services. Affiliate ProgramLet your website earn easy cash for you.Check out all the great FREE tools and services that Bravenet offers. Amazing!HOSTING AND DOMAINS Domain Name RegistrationRegister your very own Domain Name. Website HostingFree websiteUnbeatable storage & bandwidth and the best FREE web tools. Counter StatsLearn...

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